Darker 1 hour self tan mousse when you’re ready to come over to the dark side.
Let’s cut to the chase, we know you want to b.tanned. We know you want to look hot…ready for those insta selfies... so we won’t waffle about the amazing dark results. The name pretty much says it all. Just use this product and have an awesome ‘dark’ tan instantly. simple.
How dark… rinse in 1 hour for a natural dark tan… or leave on for longer if you dare to go darker.
How to use… first up, get naked, or at least naked enough to tan your super hot bod. Apply mousse with your b.tan tan mitt, wait at least an hour and, then shower. If you want it crazy dark – double coat it, leave on for 4+ hours.
Streak free, vegan friendly, paraben free & 100% natural DHA